Written by Super User on . Posted in Static Institutional.
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Operational and Financial Restructuring
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Operational and Financial Restructuring
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Support to Creditors
Written by Super User on . Posted in Static Institutional.
Operational and Financial Restructuring
What is it?
Advice on financial strategies, debt restructuring, validation and monitoring of recovery plans aimed at creditors of companies in a judicial environment.
Who is it for?
Creditors of companies that are unable to keep up with their payments, with extreme pressure on short-term cash flow, a significant increase in the cost of debt and an inadequate capital structure.
Macro Steps
Understanding the current financial situation
Judicial recovery
Written by Super User on . Posted in Static Institutional.
Operational and Financial Restructuring
Debt Restructuring
What is it?
Advice on financial strategies and debt restructuring in a judicial environment.
Who is it for?
Companies that cannot keep up with their payments, with extreme pressure on short-term cash flow, a significant increase in the cost of debt and an inadequate capital structure.
Macro Steps
Understanding the current financial situation
Assessment of debt negotiation scenarios