Saúde– Medicina Diagnóstica

The company

One of the largest companies providing diagnostic medicine services both in Latin America and in the world ranking.
Gross Revenue previous year prox. to R$ 1.5 Bi, with EBITDA: prox. 20% R.L
ROIC: 6.9%.

Organizational structure:

Non-adherent to the business model / strategy;
Problem with span of control (1st level);
More than 10 regional boards with a lack of uniformity of action;
3 Performance Channels: Private, Public, Third Parties.
+300 units /+10,000 employees.
More than 15 acquisitions over the last 4 years.

What have we done

Organizational restructuring.
Redefining the strategy.
Portfolio of units, products, customers and purchasing management.
Restructuring of the model
costs, expenses, results
and performance metrics.
Matrix budget.
Cash Committee.
Treasury management.
Cost Management UEP and ABC .
Zero-Based Budget.

Main results

Annual Gross Revenue: increase of 36% in relation to the same period of the previous year.
Annual EBITDA (% R.L.): increase of 6.7 p.p. / ROIC: increase of approx. 11 p.p.
1st. Free Cash Flow (+): R$ 66 MM (2009).
Evolution of the company's share value 🡪 Variations: Project start year: + 155%, project year: +59%.
Adequacy of the organizational structure according to the business model / span of control: 40% reduction in the number of Vice-presidencies and 50% in the number of regional directors.
Adequacy of action channels: creation of the hospital channel and clear definition of the action strategy of the other 3 (Private, Public, Third Parties).
Earnings: Products + Units: approximately R$ 40MM / Purchases: R$ 23 MM / Matrix: R$ 38 MM.


  • Avenue Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2081 - 10º to walk

  • Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP

  • CEP: 01452-001


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