Gestão de Demanda e S&OP
(Sales and Operation Plan)


What is it?

Approach to adapt the company's operational sales plan to market demand in an integrated and participatory manner between the various areas of the organization.

Who is it for?

For companies looking to:

  • Improve assertiveness and reduce your inventory volumes

  • Reduzir perdas de produtos, quebras de estoque (stock-out) e perdas de vendas

Macro Steps

  • Diagnosis of the current Demand Management and S&OP process and indicators

  • Creation and management of Improvement Committees to capture specific opportunities identified in the diagnosis (excess inventories or failure to meet demand)

  • Structuring the new process (identification of information sources, definition of roles and responsibilities) and Demand Management policies

  • Implementation of the process and conducting the first planning cycles


  • Diagnosis of the Demand Planning process with the main areas of opportunity

  • Redesigned Demand Management and S&OP process and policies

  • Proposals for Demand Planning and S&OP organizational structure and operating models


  • Avenue Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2081 - 10º to walk

  • Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP

  • CEP: 01452-001


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