What is it?

Methodology that seeks to increase sales and profitability in the commercialization of consumer goods. By adjusting the positioning of prices and promotions, we seek to achieve the company's strategic and operational objectives.

Pricing allows for greater profitability through the adequacy of the pricing policy, guided by the understanding of consumer behavior and the company's strategy.

Who is it for?

Developed for retail companies that need support to focus and leverage their results for different reasons, from introducing a new category or improving the performance of a group of categories to adapting to new market conditions.

Macro Steps

  • Category definition

  • Role of categories

  • Category Strategy

  • Cluster definition

  • Analysis and implementation of the new pricing policy

  • Formation of Improvement Committees (CMs) and monitoring of the generation of results


  • Structured action plans for the implementation of the new pricing and promotions policy with the aim of improving revenue and product margins, according to the defined assortment

  • Monitoring the implementation plan through the Performance Improvement Committee


  • Avenue Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2081 - 10º to walk

  • Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP

  • CEP: 01452-001


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