Review of Structure Expenses by Activities


What is it?

Budgeting methodology that, by mapping the effort and criticality of the company's activities, makes it possible to focus efforts on processes that will generate more value, whether in terms of allocated effort (productivity search) or criticality (service level and KPI's improvement). In this sense, it allows you to reduce expenses by centralizing, optimizing and eliminating activities.

Who is it for?

Companies that need to reduce expenses significantly and quickly.

Macro Steps

  • Scope definition, material adaptation

  • Training of the managers involved and completion of activity allocation worksheets

  • Formation of Optimization Groups

  • Analyzes to reduce the expenses of each activity

  • Prioritization of resources and elimination of activities/structure


  • Fast and effective cost reduction, carried out together with the company's managers

  • Prioritization of resources in order to focus more on higher value-added activities


  • Avenue Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2081 - 10º to walk

  • Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP

  • CEP: 01452-001


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