Poultry, Swine and Biotechnology

The company

The Group suffered the consequences of the crisis, which began in 2015, in the country, aggravated by conjunctural imbalances in the animal protein sector;
Wrong strategic decisions contributed to the magnification of difficulties;
The combination of these factors generated rapid deterioration in cash flow;
Negotiations for the sale of assets were not successful;
Faced with the serious liquidity crisis, judicial recovery was inevitable.

What have we done

Cash flow projection for the RJ order, financial modeling and Economic-Financial Feasibility Report;
Implementation of a cash flow projection tool and the cash committee;
Support in the selection process of essential suppliers;
Simulation of a meeting of creditors;
Suggestion of payment structures to creditors;
Negotiation with the main creditors (suppliers and banks).

Main results

The judicial recovery plan was based on the sale of non-core assets and the biotechnology business.
Approval of the PRJ with debt discounts, as well as extension and grace period in the flow of payments in order to fit into a feasible projection of the company's cash flow.
The explicit discount in Class 2 (real guarantee) was 30% and in Class 3 (unsecured) it reached 50%. The total amount of debt negotiated totaled almost R$ 600 million.


  • Avenue Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2081 - 10º to walk

  • Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP

  • CEP: 01452-001


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